How a cake recipe can help your business stand out!

As businesses, we're all trying to stand out – to be different and cut through the noise of our competitors.

So how do we make ourselves different? Why should people buy from us?

Let me tell you a quick story - my daughter wanted to do some baking at the weekend, and merrily started mixing eggs, flour...but hang on, we had no cocoa. Or brown sugar. 

And the shop was closed so we started wondering how we could tweak the recipe and bake with the ingredients we already have.

No surprise, our choices were limited and it didn't run out quite the way she'd hoped.

But it got me thinking - doesn't that happen in business all the time?

We start out doing one thing, but realise there's something missing, so we fix what we can but it's still not totally right, and things kind of work out…..but not quite as we'd imagined?

But what if we could create our very own recipe for running a business? Not a generic recipe that was the same as all the others, but one that took into account all of the amazing ingredients we already have and made this incredible creation with all of our favourite flavours?

Your cake, or whatever you created, would be totally of your own design. 

There'd be nothing else like it. You'd give it a name and decorate it however you wanted.

Nobody else's cake could compete with yours because it was so absolutely and uniquely YOU.

Now think back to your business - wouldn't that be a great way to help you stand out?! You'd be your own niche and your customers would thank goodness, that finally, there was something that was just for them - they also love everything that makes you different, and the other vanilla sponge businesses weren't right for them either.

Want to know more? Connect on socials or email me at and let's start talking about how to make your business stand out and be so totally YOU that you're a niche of ONE on a crowded cake shelf!


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