Join us LIVE to create
Brand Clarity
and supercharge your success in 2024
Join our FREE Brand Clarity LIVE to start your new year with the confidence, tools and strategy to make 2024 your time to shine in totally ‘you-shaped’ ways!
Yes please - save my place!
Wednesday 10th January 2024 at 9.30am
Online - you will receive a Zoom link to join us!
How much does it cost?
Nada! It’s totally free…but don’t think that means it won’t have value, because I’ll be bringing ALLLLLLL the energy and insights!
Will there be a replay?
Yes! I know life is busy and I don’t want you to miss out - simply book your place and I’ll email the replay to you.
Let’s kiss goodbye to bland and say hello to brand clarity - because branding is so much more than just a logo!
In our FREE Brand Clarity LIVE, we’ll:
celebrate our strengths and set ‘you-shaped’ goals for 2024
explore six key ingredients of brand brilliance
overcome shiny object overwhelm and fear of failure
swap boring auto-pilot decisions for exciting ‘you-shaped’ success!
It’s your time to shine!
I know, we're at that magical time when we think about the year ahead...and how anything is possible.
But I think something magical happens at our age too...we have all of this experience and insight, and we KNOW you're good at what we do.
Life is changing, and the kids are growing up and needing us in different ways.
And for the first time in a loooong time, we have headspace to think about ourselves – crazy, hey?!
And at the same time, we get tired of comparison-itis and stop wanting to keep up with our younger selves...because we appreciate how we're doing things differently now. Deeper. Better.
Which leaves us in this magical place where we think 'hell yes, it's my time to shine!'.
Now is the perfect time to step into change - to pursue your big dream goals and get sh*t done your own way.
Because you're good at what you do, and your perfect-fit people are out there waiting for you!
With clarity in YOU are, you make choices that feel aligned with the business you want to create.
Aka - no more looking over your shoulder at what everyone else is up to. You're on your own shiny path!
When you speak in YOUR voice, you never run out of things to say, and it feels real and honest.
Aka - no more second guessing what your message should be. You know who you are.
And when you unleash your personality and passion into the world, you make a meaningful difference.
Aka - say goodbye to imposter syndrome because you're standing in your superpower!
You’ll be inspired to make ‘you-shaped’ choices in your business and take next step action to success!
Trying to grow a business without branding is like icing a cake before it has been baked…
In nearly 20 years in marketing, I’ve worked with 100s of entrepreneurs. And during this time, I’ve seen that the businesses who continue to thrive are those who know what they do, who it’s for and why it matters - and that energy is magnetic!
Because I see you; you’re ambitious and you’ve got a crystal clear vision of how you want to grow your business – to really make an impact and earn more money to enjoy the things you love.
And you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are now. You’re creating the time freedom you desire, making an impact that inspires you, and you’re finally the boss you’ve always deserved.
But there’s a problem – you’re struggling to communicate your vision with the world, so stepping it up a gear into that next phase of growth is going to be difficult.
Branding will help you identify who you are, what you do, and why it matters. And to understand how it could look, sound and feel. Skip this step and it’s like icing your cake before it’s been baked.
Hi, I’m Lucy
And I’ll let you into a secret…
the best branding starts with you!
Got questions?